The Egyptian Soil Science Society is the home for professionals dedicated to advancing the discipline and practice of soil sciences relating to environmental quality, ecosystem sustainability, bioremediation, waste management and recycling, crop production, biogeochemistry of trace elements in the rhizosphere, and wise land use. A common thread across the programs and services of ESSS is the dissemination and transfer of scientific knowledge to advance the profession. This includes publishing, meetings, certification, career placement, science policy, and professional development. Within the Society, there is a diverse range of career levels (undergrads, grads, early/mid/late career), employer types (academia, business/industry,/consulting, government), and geographic diversity. As a member-driven organization, programs and services are designed to enhance our members’ careers while advancing the profession.
Regular or ordinary/Active Member: Individuals who are interested in the objectives of ESSS. Active members may attend and participate in all sessions and meetings of ESSS (depending on the Society memberships they select), present relevant papers, publish in the Society’s journals (subject to the editorial policy and practices of the journals), subscribe to the journals and receive other publications as authorized by the board of directors, receive additional member benefits, hold office, and vote at all meetings of the Society.
Graduate Student Member: A full-time graduate student, majoring in an Agronomic, Soil Science or Environmental Science or related discipline. Graduate student members are entitled to discounted dues, as set by the board of directors. To assist with the transition to full-time employment, graduate students are eligible to continue as a graduate student member for one year after graduation. Graduate students have the obligations and privileges of active membership, except that they may not hold office. Please note: full-time staff members and active members on leave for study are not eligible for the graduate student membership category. Graduate student membership is limited to seven calendar years.
Undergraduate: An undergraduate student, majoring in an Agronomic, Soil Science or Environmental Science or related discipline. Undergraduate students have the obligations and privileges of active membership, except that they may not vote or hold Society office. Undergraduate student membership is limited to five calendar years.
Student Member: any person who is undertaking a full time course of study at an institution approved by the Federal Council and that contributes to the Society such sum per annum as the Society may from time to time determine and is elected to membership by the Society, shall be a member of the Society with the right to vote at all meetings of the Society.
Retired Member: any person who is no longer in paid employment either in a full time or part time capacity and contributes to the Society such sum per annum as the Society may from time to time determine and is elected to membership by the Society, shall be a member of the Society with the right to vote at all meetings of the Society.
Honorary Life Member: Honorary membership for life shall be restricted to persons who have retired from active service and who have rendered eminent service to soil science and/or the Society. The following shall be considered criteria for the nomination of candidates for Honorary Life Member: Such a person should have at least 15 years membership of the Society, or 2. Evidence of service such as committee membership, service as an office bearer, contribution to the organization of conferences, field days and operation of Branches.
A person is qualified to be a member if the person is engaged in the practice of or is interested in soil science or the scientific study of soil.