
  1. Promote the importance of soil and enhance the profile of soil science in Egypt by :
    1.1 – Involvement with IUSS activities and other societies all over the world
    1.2 – Encouraging membership of the Society
    1.3 – Promoting soil science to the general public
    1.4 – Engaging with key government and industry sectors
    1.5 – Developing a donation and/or bequest program
  2. Enhance expertise in soil science by :
    2.1 – Accrediting Certified Professional Soil Scientists
    2.2 – Providing opportunities for training and mentoring of soil scientists
    2.3 – Supporting professional development of students and early career scientists
  3. Recognize excellence in soil science by:
    3.1 – Presenting medals and awards
    3.2 – Awarding student prizes
    3.3 – Bestowing honorary life memberships
    3.4 – Nominating ESSS members for awards and committees at national and international level
  4. Provide good value to members by:
    4.1 – Offering reduced rates for ESSS events
    4.2 – Supporting branches of the ESSS
    4.3 – Providing a forum for discussion
    4.4 – Ensuring annual branch activity
    4.5 – Disseminating information via newsletter, website, email, seminars, conferences and workshops
    4.6 – Providing opportunities for advertising and promotion of members and member services
  5. Create and maintain effective networks for soil scientists by :
    5.1 – Creating links with kindred associations
    5.2 – Providing opportunity for secondment, study leave and employment
  6. Create a database in the fields of activities of the association and access to modern information available locally and globally.
  7. To contribute to scientific ideas to solve the problems of soil, water and the environment in the society.