
To achieve the previous goals, the ESSS try to achieve the following items:

  1. Maintain and support the ESSS Accreditation Board
  2. Provide professional recognition for ESSS
  3. Publication of scientific articles via the Egyptian Journal of Soil Science (since 1961) with what might be available from periodicals and audio visual aids.
  4. Holding of conferences and scientific symposia, and international and local exhibitions in the fields of scientific activities of the society.
  5. Organization of courses and training in the areas of soil, water, environment and related sciences for the preparation of cadres capable to absorb and implement the application of modern technologies.
  6. Attempt for communication with the ESSS, IUSS, and other Soil Science Societies.
  7. social activities such as providing congratulations, especially when their access to scientific prizes or medals or local Aalmiho access to positions of presidential and sharing in the grief obituary of a member or Tazith in the loss of a Qrapat class guardian and visit the sick in hospitals and care homes with bouquets of flowers and wishes of healing.
  8. Organizing trips, recreational, tourist and religious (including facilitating the Hajj and Umrah for members and their families).