About Us

Year of Establishment
The Society was established in1950, and registered at the Ministry of Social Affairs and then attached in the same year.
Address of the Society
The current address of the Egyptian Soil Science Society is based in the current Department of Land and water use / building Agricultural Division / National Research Centre, El-Behoos Street / Dokki / Greater Cairo / Arab Republic of Egypt.
Fees of subscription
The annual subscription currently is ten Egyptian pounds.
The number of members of the Assembly in the first inception of no longer than 40 members and has been still growing until it reached the order of 700 members, mostly over have a Ph.D. in Soil Science from the Egyptian universities and foreign, representing faculty members in the Egyptian universities and research bodies in the research centers in Egypt.
Qualifications of the Society members
Members experience covering the areas of soil and water sciences and the environment from all aspects including :

  • Pedology of soils and include the framework of the inventory and land classification and mapping of topography, soil, agricultural and remote sensing. – Chemistry and mineralogy of soils.
  • The nature of the soil and water relationships and that includes the framework of studies of irrigation and field drainage.
  • Soil fertility and plant nutrition and include the framework of studies of fertilizers and fertilization.
  • Microbiology and biogeochemistry of trace elements in rhizosphere.
  • Techniques of soil and that include the framework of studies of land reclamation and soil conservation.